NOTE : I do shoot on weekends. I have weekends marked off or closed for my online services because I am usually out of office on the weekends and do not respond to business calls, texts, or emails unless otherwise discussed. Consultations are not done on the weekends. This calendar is for booking consultations, only. During said consultation, we will book your session date. There is no need to look for a discussed session date on this calendar as it is handled internally, through my Google & accounting softwares.
Why are you here? What brought you to my media & how can I assist you in creating a more accepting environment to foster your growth? What are your photography needs and what do you expect to gain from this session?
Not every photographer is for every client. It is imperative to make sure we are a good match. So, let’s get down to business! I require a consultation either via video chat or in person before I can place your session on my schedule. We have to talk dates, time, wardrobe, expectations, contracts, pricing, packages, and client safety. This consultation typically runs roughly 45 minutes - an hour and 5 minutes. In person consults often include browsing through package options & a gander at the client closet. Book a date and time when you know you will have the time and mental capacity to discuss the fine details and be present.
So, what are you waiting for!? There’s no time like right now!