Come cuddle with me, a Cuddlist Trained Cuddler! I welcome you to the safe space of my home office & snuggle studio. Cozy spots of choice include couch snuggles by the fireplace, studio therapy in the upstairs sector, or outdoor hangouts.
“The more we learn about touch, the more we realize just how central it is in all aspects of our lives — cognitive, emotional, developmental, behavioral — from womb into old age. It’s no surprise that a single touch can affect us in multiple, powerful ways.”
When we are aware of our bodies and how they are important to the terms of personal and spiritual growth, it becomes easier to nurture them. Without your body, you’re not going anywhere. One of the most profound and powerful ways to create a noticeable change in biorhythm and bodily function is through touch. Incorporating human touch into our everyday lives is vital to the healing of our emotional and physical selves. It not only allows us to connect to the vibrations of others and ourselves, forming a deeper sense of self and more meaningful bonds but has a proven physical health benefits for healthy weight, reduced depression, more accurate reflexology, and calming of cardiovascular stress. Touch provides its own language of compassion and emotion, allowing us to know what it truly means to be human, promoting generosity and trust to even an economic standpoint. Try to incorporate 15 - 30 minutes of human touch into each day; make it more than a goal but a necessity. Your body needs it.
A study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that hugging and cuddling can increase levels of oxytocin, a hormone associated with feelings of love, trust, and bonding. This statistic can be used to highlight the scientific benefits of cuddling, such as promoting feelings of closeness and intimacy in relationships. Being physically close to anyone can increase your connection to yourself and you level of intimacy and bonding with others.
Lessened depression
Increased relaxation and decreased stress
Improved self-esteem
Improved sleep
Improved social skills
Lessened anxiety and social anxiety
Reduced risk of heart disease
Lowered blood pressure and heart rate
Improved immune system function and faster recovery
Increased pain threshold and pain relief
Lessened PTSD symptoms
Diminished drug & alcohol cravings
“I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words.”
It is my sincere belief that a hug or tight embrace can change your day. My neighbors would describe me as the Disney Princess next door that befriends all living things. My mother would describe me as the kindest of empaths, someone whom has never given a gift without thought, and a heart that has never met a stranger. My friends would tell you that I love to laugh until my bones ache, I never mind drying tears and might even cry with you, that I would travel state lines to help a friend, and that my toxic trait is finding joy in helping others find their joy. If you asked me to describe myself, I’d have to say that I'm a stereotypical cancer : cuddling is a form of intimacy & connection to me. I feel a sense of security and trust in the act of physical touch. I never mind the big spoon or the little spoon and I love those little acts of contact like running fingers through hair. I feel that an embrace can make a huge impact on your day; I’m here for all the hugs, the hand-holds, the running fingers up your arms. If you’re looking for a loving caress, I’ve got you covered. I’ve got all the blankets and a weighted throw ready to go! What else should you know about me? I have an in-home studio that I use as a comfort corner for cuddles and I can customize to what colors & textures you prefer. I'm a big fan of fidget toys and regulating the nervous system.